Wednesday 13 March 2013


One thing is for sure some days will be better than others and today sure was one of those days. 

As i sat on the tramp on my way home my thoughts was of my dear husband. Is it possible, but why, i wished and it went on and on in my head with tears rolling down my checks I started to think about my hubby. I still find it hard to believe its been over 7months since i last spoke to my dear husband and 6months since i last set my eyes on him. Like you and other widows around the world I miss the presence of my husband dearly and although i have learnt how to get on without him still its not the easiest of things.

 I  find myself constantly narrating my feelings to my close friends and family. Although they are all very supportive, however the fact still remains i am left all alone after everyone has gone. Like you, one of the challenges i face is knowing i will never profess my love to my husband again or share a hug or a kiss and neither would I be in a position to tell him how my day was. Sometimes it is a little harder than I expect it to be, still I am reminded of what my heavenly father tells me. He said he will show me the way of life, grant me the joy of his presence and the joy of living in him forevermore (Psalm 16:11)Amen

My husband was a loving husband, father, son, brother and friend. If you meet him for the first time you would automatically take to liking him right away he had a great sense of humour and he always left a lasting impression.  He was 6'2 inches tall, very handsome and a kind hearted person always willing to lend a helping hand no matter who the receipient  was. He was indeed an angel and although life without him doesn't feel possible but with God i am more than able  as in romans 8:37 "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 

Although i know my ways and thoughts are not God's sometimes, I do wonder why God let him go still the lord has revealed to me in many ways than one way how to bring him with me everyday like through my 5'9 inches son, or through my daughters funny words or in her idenditcal looking feet and through all of the memories we shared. 

 I believe God wants to spend quality time with us so much now than ever and in his presence our minds will stay focused to make the correct decisions for ourselves and our children. He wants to relive us of every burden (psalm 55:22) and it’s only when we are in his presence that we are able to achieve and enjoy the gifts of peace and through it his character shows forth. Romans 8:18 "consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." Get tuned in with word of God, get ur praises on, remain calm in all you do and enjoy His Presence in His Absence. 


  1. Yea in all this we are more than conqueror, Nothing should separate us from his presence. He is God he knows the end from the beginning. No matter what we are passing through, God is there with us. It is well.
