Thursday 21 February 2013


Everyone shows up to offer their support right from my friends, to my church, siblings and other family members to my in- laws. After my hubby passed on, running away from everyone including myself Crossed my mind on many occasions and God was aware of this. One day I received a call from someone I consider a mother and her exact words in quote "whatever you do don't run away from your in-laws they are good people" so am thinking OK God you got me again and i am humbled please forgive me my sins as i embrace my new inherited family for they are indeed a blessing .

Like most families some relationships don't boast of a good track record and often this can influence the way we behave. The death of your husband can do two things:
1) Bring everyone together OR 

2) Tear everyone apart 
One thing is for sure you and your inherited family both share the same pain. Because you are now one through marriage, what is the best way to work together as a family to keep the legacy of your husband going. How do you also cope with those difficult inherited family members?

Pray for them:
Put them before God. Reactions to the death of your husband can be quite different for everyone affected and as a result some family members prosecute you to ease their pain when really they should be loving you. Matthew 5:43-45.... 43)“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbour and hate your enemy.’ 44) But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45) that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. And for those who just want to prosecute you don't be discouraged for your judge will fight on your behalf see Psalm 68:5

Focus on you:
If you find communicating with your inherited family members too chaotic let go and let God. You have lost your dear husband and the last thing you need is more stress and so your main focus point should be yourself and the kids. Getting back into the swing of things is a challenge on its own and you need the grace of God for this one. Matthew 11:28 speak to God about the burden in your heart and relax for he will surely bring you to a resting place.

They will talk:
Its a fact that people talk about the living and the dead, so be rest assured you will be talked about for good or for bad. Your happiness is a priority to you irrespective of what people may say because you owe it to yourself to be happy. You will need it in the days, months and years to come. So for those who judge or speak evil against you( Zechariah 7:10) the lord will fight this one for you.

Finally our inherited family are a blessing to us and our children and his peace shall dwell amongst us all as we face the challenging times ahead.... 1 Peter 4:8 "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins " 


  1. In my own case,his death tore the family apart and right now,my life is much more important than seeking the good face of in-laws that do not wish me well.

  2. It's well sweetie focus on you and your kids, let go and let God
