Sunday 10 February 2013


I recollect my 1st day out after the death of my husband, I was clothe in fear (false evidence appearing real) and my mind became a battle field with the most strangest of all thoughts. I found myself constantly preparing for the worst, but God reassured me in Isaiah 41:13, that he is the Lord my God who takes hold of me by his right hand and tells me not to be afraid because he will help me.

As you start feeling the strength of God daily, you begin to learn how to deal with your pain as you go along but just when it seems your fears have all died wow....they crop up again because your ordeals in the past have left some residues that now show up in your today. That's kind of where I found myself I began replaying the events that lead up to the passing of my husband and all other past events but then Isaiah 43:18-21 gave me that reassurance that 18)"Because God had carried me through this events he doesn't want me to dwell in the pain, the sadness and the anger again, and further confirms in verse 19) that the Lord will erase these same painful memories and replace them with new thoughts that will spring forth; he will also make a way through these painful memories and bring forth calmness in the toughest of all places. Hallelujah...... thank God for the gift of Hope he offers us to carry on.

So how do we handle STINKING THINKING, well firstly we must see the memories of a bad event as thoughts arising above the past in our mind that we do not need to identify with. Basically we must not connect with them because it's in the past, its gone and God has sorted them out, although the pain lingers.
Secondly we must replace these bad memories with good ones by been watchful of what we allow settle into our minds. Proverbs 4:23 tells us to guard, protect, watch over our heart for out of it flows the issues of life. Be careful what you allow your heart ponder on, and whom you allow to sow seeds into your life because after they must have said it all and gone then stinking thinking will set in and you will be left to deal with it. Finally its ok to encourage yourself in the lord, like david see 1samuel 30:6 by reading his words, listening to healing songs.

I Pray his peace continues to dwell within you in Jesus name. Amen.

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