Wednesday 13 February 2013


Just like you on a daily basis I feel the absence of my husband and this St Valentine's day most especially will be a challenge for me as it marks 5months since his departure to be with the lord and also 2yrs exactly after my treatment for breast cancer. Its been challenging for me but am so so thankful to God. You see the compensation God re pays us with out weights the trials we face. In the last two years alone God has blessed me tremendously, shaped and molded me and I can't but give him praises from a grateful heart.

Like you I was used to something special with my hubby for this special day but this time around it would be a little different. I would be spending it on my own with the kids and so I have decided that the devil would not steal my joy. "Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in christ Jesus our Lord(romans 8:39). I encourage you to stay connected to God's love for his love is true and comes with no conditions.

Make that decision to enjoy your day no matter what the day brings because Proverbs 17:22 says a cheerful heart is good medicine( and good medicine brings healing), but a crushed spirit dries up the bone"(brings about unhappiness, un-fruitfulness, depression). Treat yourself to a meal, movies with the kids, spa treatment for yourself just make it a fun day to remember because if you chose to have a pity party be rest assured your husband wouldn't attend for he now rest with his creator.

Don't forget to laugh, laugh some more and really have fun with the kids, don't entertain stinking thinking.

God is LOVE so stay connected. 

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