Saturday 16 February 2013


On the 3rd of February, I sat in church enjoying the service when a tiny note was slipped into my hand and it read...."Sister Layo  you have been added to the Valentine event committee" and would be required to wait after church for a brief meeting.  I was immediately taken by shock and thought how could I have been added to this committee.  At the meeting, I immediately made my feelings known that I wasn't interested in been on the committee. After much discussion back and forth, I made the decision to do it for God and so the planning began. I became eager to share my ideas, well that was until I received a surprising text that was sent out to the entire church informing the church that I would be responsible for collecting money from couples who intended to go on the valentine dinner outing.  At this stage I became so angry and felt it was so insensitive of them to have made such a decision without first informing me especially since it was only 5 months after my husbands departure.  I started battling with what people would think or say and In eagerness to state my case I began to rehearse what I was going to say at our next meeting.

Finally on the day of the meeting, I had the opportunity to say the edited version of how I was feeling, and by now I was so angry too. The fact still remains that it is difficult for some people to understand your pain because they have no prior experience themselves and as such they often don't think of the consequences ahead. I felt because they could see the strength of God inside of me perhaps they believed I was made of steel or maybe they had forgotten so soon.  I removed myself from the committee immediately and went home crying.  A few days went by when I received a call from the organizers with a full apology that I was ok with, well so i thought until a few hours after the valentine day event had passed.  I got talking with my childhood friend and then narrated the entire story to her. She reminded me that our ways are not God's ways(Isaiah 55:8) and perhaps i should have looked at it from another angle and not from an earthly perspective. She further went on to say that our Christian race involves a lot of selflessness and more of Christ and perhaps God required me to be an encouragement to someone. Wow it hit home and it was then i remembered what the organizer had said to me. He said that the reason why i was put on the valentine committee was because of the creativity they saw in me. 

Immediately God humbled me and i began to cry as I remebered the words my dear husband had said to me on many occassions before. Demola would say.... "You really  need to calm down a lot you know  and stop making quick decisons based on your emotions, alaways think through first". Just when I thought I had finally out grown it but God showed me there's room for more growth. Then suddenly all these ideas came flooding in as i visualized all that i could have done, however because of the the pain i was experiencing and the thought that perhaps maybe i will be laughed at or perhaps looked upon a funny way prevented me from seeing what was Behin-D-Veil. Immediately Isaiah 54:4 came to mind and i could see what God was telling me all along.He has promised he will give to us beauty in exchange for ashes (Isaiah 61:3). I pray that each of us strive to serve God through our tragedies and have the understanding that our tragedies would never be in vein but all for his GLORY, and by his grace never again Pass Over Opportunities Repeatedly (POOR)

I praise God for us all and pray  that through this journey we may all come FULL CIRCLE.

1 comment:

  1. Thank God for your life. I don't know what I would have done if it had been me. I definitely know that I would have turned it down. Of course,people cannot understand the pain because they have not been there or they just choose to acknowledge that somebody is in pain and needs comfort.Infact you will see so many attitude in the House of God and you wonder. In all these, we should not take offense. We are expected to look unto God the author and Finisher of our Faith. The Grace of God is sufficient for us all in Jesus name.
