Wednesday 6 February 2013


On my day 2 return to work, just as I was getting into the swing of things, I wondered over to another team regarding some work and on getting there a few of my colleagues hurriedly came up to me to offer their condolences. At that moment it dawned on me that what should have been a confidential matter within my team was now all in the open and the feelings of insecurity set in. As I returned back to my desk, I felt the embrace of reproach as thou a  voice at the other end of the tannoy announced the arrival of the “widow”.

The level at which reproach is felt can vary in each of us because our challenges are different and yet so similar.  One of such is the experience of been alone and feeling naked before the world just as I felt at work or the awareness that one day you suddenly wake up to reality that your friends and perhaps family seem to have faded away like the fog in the early hours. 

You see God is aware that the spirit of fear comes with the territory and so he confirms it to us in 2 timothy 1:7 that he has not given us the spirit of fear and since we were genetically created in his own image, he has given us power to conquer, to love and of a sound mind to see us through the challenges life brings our way.  God also is aware of how some people may view widows and so he reassures us in Isaiah 54:4 "that even though it may bring disgrace in some circumstances, he will secure us from humiliation and he will make us forget all of our pains, fears, sorrows, shames, and disgrace that maybe attached to widowhood because he is our God".  He hath put a new song in our mouth, a song so sweet the world would ask in amazement and because of these blessings that are so visible to the world, many shall stand in awe of our God and shall seek him as we joyful sing songs of jubilation unto our God (Psalm 40:3).

No matter what you see, its only temporary and it will all turn around for your good. It wouldn't always be like this for the Lord will surely perfect all that concerns you Psalm 138:8

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