Thursday 21 February 2013


When we are poorly and require a major treatment often the treatment process can be an entire journey on its own however greater rewards lie ahead. I see treatments as God's way of 'Out with the old, bring in the New'. With certain changes a clean up is an essential part of the change.  Suddenly, I felt the urge to want to get a bulldozer at our entire house i guess it all had to do with the pain I was experiencing at that time.

I recollect performing so many unusual acts without thoroughly thinking it through before hand. One of such was getting rid of all our clothes excluding my husbands' wardrobe. I mean I just went for it, bagged this, bagged that and before i entered into that space of awareness woodstreet had been round and left with over ten bags. Suddenly it dawned on me that it was time to DE clutter.  And so I started off with my thoughts I had to decide what  stays and what goes.  Psalm 119:11 "thy words oh lord have I placed in my heart so that I may not sin against you through stinking thinking". Next to get hit was my physical body and so I attacked my eating habits alongside my skin care routine. Again it was my way of dealing with the pain I guess and so I started leaning towards a more healthier life style. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20) you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

Finally I ended up in our house and saw the need for a cleanup. I believe this helps in the entire acceptance of change. Some things needed to be thrashed, some a blessing unto others and others are to be kept in a safe place so you can look back and appreciate the season you spent with your husband. Do not feel guilty or unhappy about cleaning up your house or even totally relocating it will help you think clearly and open doors for newer beginnings. 

You must make way for God to do greater things in your life so clean up and allow God manage this new change for you.


  1. De-clutter is really essential for the process of healing to be complete.There is no way you won't have to let go so that God can have His way.One can't hold on to past memories too much and expect a NEW thing.You can't be driving on the road and focus your attention on the rear.To make a reasonable progress in any journey,one must focus ahead.It is possible with God's help.

  2. Genesis 19:26 But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt. The more you focus on your past you get stock and become a pillar of salt and then it becomes harder to look ahead. His grace is sufficient enough to keep us looking and moving forward.
