Sunday 3 February 2013


We had just left a cool joint about 11pm and were heading home, but first we made a stop over to drop a friend at his home  then carried on home. It was now around 11:30pm and just us two driving home. I was sat in the front passengers seat slightly to an angle  when we started our usual talks about how far we had come i cherished the moment so much and was thankful to God. Our 1st stop was memory lane 6yrs back we then concluded that it was the love of God that kept us together. My hubby and I met 14yrs back we were in our early twenties and it was Love at first sight, young and naive, I am full of gratitude for that day. After the 3rd year of our relationship it became clearer that God had a purpose and a plan for us however we didn't understand to what extent.

Here I was the daughter and grand daughter to ministers of God and he the grandson to an Islamic cleric.  All that mattered to us was the love we shared. I was aware of 2 Corinthians 6:14, but had no proper understanding of it until 7years ago. God enlightened me more through the challenges we had faced in our home, of course I began to pray, pray and pray some more. I so wanted God to save him so he could see all I could see.  My understanding of God in 4 letters LOVE, he created such an amazing man With such a beautiful heart and he showed it. He would pray the Islamic way when he felt he needed to however my duty as his wife was to continually pray and so I relied on it daily to keep us going.

At around past midnight I became aware of the fact that we had been involved in a nasty road accident on the same bridge where we had previously been indulging in enjoyable collections of the happy and sad moments of our lives. It all started coming back to me as I dug deep in my memory bank to recollect the events that took place prior to the bridge incident. We were out eating  myself, my hubby and his friend. After placing our order we got talking and his friend began to share his testimony of how God saved him so much and that his payback was to follow him sincerely. As we both listened to his testimony I was filled with so much happiness and gratitude that God ordained this meeting just so my husband could hear more about him. I felt my prayers were being answered and silently I prayed again "God open his heart to you as he listens"

Now at the hospital my husband was in a coma and I was badly injured I required surgery to my left eye. All I could think about was my dear husband so I approached his bed side with prayers and lots of it I wanted God to heal him and restore him (Jeremiah 30:17)  so he could tell the world about the love of God from his own experience.  I prayed and prayed and prayed some more but God made me understand in Isaiah 55:8-9 that his ways are not my ways and he had a much better plan and his plan was salvation. And God was gonna use me to orchestrate his salvation whilst he laid in a coma.
When his family came around and asked how he was doing, I recollect saying my husband  was in talks with his creator and God's will be done. Whilst I prayed with him and communicated daily with him, I would read Isaiah 41:8-13 to my husband and would reinforce it by playing Conqueror a song by the gospel artist Vashaun Mitchell and trusted God to look after him. I would kiss him and encourage him all will be well. He was aware of his surroundings because he would blink ever so often however he never fully made the cross over from the coma back into reality.

God had a much better plan, he kept my husband for only 3 weeks but in the 3 weeks his memories was filled with God right from the last conversation he had with his friend to my prayers, prayers from families and friends, his children and our voice notes. When I recollect all the events that transpired I am filled with so much gratitude and emotions that God truly loves me so so much that he honoured my prayer for his salvation, me the praying wife. Not everyone gets the chance to hear about God just before they are no more John 3:16 let's me understand that God sent his son to save us all so we can reunite with him and live to the fullest here on earth and beyond . I ask myself what Love really means, now I can say truly I have a greater understanding of Love. God is Love and he would honor our request for his name to be glorified. God's purpose was for my husband to Rest In Peace with him and so he gave him the opportunity to make peace with him first. Now that is the extent of God's Love for me.

Be rest assured God will never force his ways on us, but his undiluted LOVE will also never depart from us even if the process shakes us a bit.

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